Legal outsourcing for business in Georgia

We believe that the optimal format is corporate legal outsourcing. We tell you how it works in JUST Advisors.
Anna Davidson, Founder and Managing Partner of JUST Advisors
September 9th, 2022
Despite the simplicity of doing business in Georgia, companies with foreign participation regularly face the need for legal and accounting assistance, even if they have their own specialists on staff. We believe that the optimal format is corporate legal outsourcing. We tell you how it works in JUST Advisors.

How to choose a Lawyer for a Company in Georgia

Any business activity, especially in another country, faces the need for legal support. Almost all business processes are somehow connected with the solution of legal issues. For companies of any form of ownership, the number of Employees and the amount of turnover, the only difference is how often qualified assistance and legal advice are needed.

According to many aspiring entrepreneurs, doing business in Georgia is not so difficult. The country’s authorities have been trying to compete with the popular offshore jurisdictions for many years. It is not for nothing that the country has been ranked 7th in the Doing Business ranking for several years in a row: the relative ease of registering a company, attractive tax rates, and benefits for IT. However, the density of legal regulation, as in many countries, is growing from year to year, amendments are being introduced to tax and labor legislation, trade rules, and so on. The simple registration of a company does not mean that there is no legal regulation of doing business.

This means that you will definitely need legal assistance. Ideally, you need a Lawyer (and a specialist in a wide range of corporate, civil, administrative, labor and tax law issues) who knows local legislation and the practice of its application, the Georgian language for communicating with Contractors, partners and Government Agencies, as well as your native language for communicating with you and your team. And preferably on an ongoing basis, since questions requiring legal assessment can appear at any time, and answers to them, as a rule, were needed yesterday.

It remains to choose — inhouse or outsourcing? Lawyer or law firm?
Citizens of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia registered more than 12 thousand business entities in Georgia in 5 months from March 2022. The data is provided by the National Statistics Service of Georgia

What is the benefit of legal outsourcing?

When relocating a business to Georgia, it will be necessary to understand the nuances of tax and labor legislation, as well as to involve an intermediary for communications with Government Agencies and banks when registering a company.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of outsourcing legal processes is that it frees up your precious time so that you can focus on income-generating activities. If your Contractor is really well versed in what he is doing, you can count on fast deadlines and stable reliable results.

There are no technical problems to attract legal outsourcing. In the pandemic, everyone is used to working remotely, and the level of digitalization makes it easy to communicate, set tasks and control processes.

Subscription legal services from JUST Advisors

Today, more than 20 companies from various fields of activity, including large international IT companies, retailers, agricultural producers, HoReCa and companies from the field of education, are on the subscription service of JUST Advisors. The company has enough highly professional corporate Lawyers specializing in certain legal issues who are able to fully satisfy the requests of both our regular customers and those who apply for one-time services.

Features of legal outsourcing from JUST Advisors:
  • Our Employees have worked in other jurisdictions and know the international practice and expectations of the Customer.
  • The company itself has been serving companies with foreign participation in Georgia for 4 years and knows their requirements, specifics and tasks.
  • All Employees of the company speak Georgian and your native language, which eliminates difficulties with communication with both the Customer company and partners and civil services.
The package of corporate legal outsourcing includes the entire range of services available to our Clients, including the development and examination of constituent documents, all personnel documentation, civil Agreements of any complexity, support of any corporate procedures from registration to liquidation, real estate transactions (including investment in construction, reconstruction), negotiations, coordination and receipt various permits, trademark registration and protection of the company's interests in conflict resolution.
The interaction process itself is quite simple and convenient. You can:
  • 1
    Choose one of the ready-made subscription service packages.
  • 2
    To form an individual after consulting with a corporate Lawyer.
During the consultation, we dive into the interests of the business, discuss with the owner or director all the current and future needs of the company in legal services. Based on the results of the consultation, the optimal set of legal services that the company needs on an ongoing basis now and may be required in the future is agreed upon, and a package (or several) of subscription services is formed. At the same time, the Client can request all other services additionally at a discount and as a matter of priority.
USM Advisors also provides subscription accounting services, that is, Lawyers, tax specialists, accountants and auditors work in a team. Legal outsourcing, based on the experience of working with our Clients, is the most comfortable and profitable form of obtaining legal services for business. You are constantly in the focus of attention of practicing professionals who know your history, current needs and development tasks.

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Leading Manager of Commercial Department