Consultations for individuals and legal entities

Professional legal, tax and accounting advice — for peace of mind and confidence in your life and business in Georgia. Remember — ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, and preventing a mistake is much cheaper than correcting it. Value your time and nerves: get professional advice on any legal, tax, accounting issues in Georgia
What we do:

The mission of JUST Advisors is to ensure the lawful conduct of business and affairs of our clients on the territory of Georgia. We are also trying to raise the level of legal literacy of the country’s residents.

On the pages of our website and in social networks you can find a lot of useful information: we are happy to tell you about legal, tax, accounting cases, new laws and practical examples absolutely free of charge.

But every case is different, and if you need to deal with a specific issue, assess legal and financial risks, get a legal opinion, JA lawyers and accountants are ready to provide substantive or complex consultation. Such consultations are paid — we value your time and ours.

Most actions in life and business are regulated by laws. It is not easy for citizens to understand them, and for foreigners everything is complicated by unfamiliar language and unfamiliar peculiarities of business turnover and administrative regulation. How to start a business and build relationships with partners, what taxes to pay and contracts to conclude, what to do if the supplier has not delivered the goods and the buyer has not paid for them, how to hire or correctly dismiss an employee, how to comply with all the requirements so that the labor inspectorate/income service/personal data protection agency/mayor's office and other administrative bodies have no questions for you?
How to understand whether there are grounds for citizenship, how to properly apply for residence permit, conclude an employment contract, buy land or apartments, pay taxes, write a will or inheritance?

Any legal, tax and accounting questions about Georgia law will be answered in a consultation with JUST Advisors. Knowledge, vast practice, ability to understand the needs of clients and speak the same language with them make lawyers and accountants of JUST Advisors unique guides of legality and peace of mind in your life.

A problem appeared
Looked for answers on the internet and in chat rooms — confused even more
We read the law (translated it into our own language) — we understood something, but we did not become more confident
Read the JUST Advisors articles — much has become clear, but your situation has peculiarities
Write to the JA or call them
— identified issues
— agreed on the time and format of the consultation
Met with a lawyer and/or accountant in person or online: got all your questions answered
After the consultation, decided to clarify something else, wrote a chat and got all the additional questions answered as part of the initial consultation


  • JUST Advisors has been operating in Georgia for over 6 years and has been providing services to citizens and companies, while resolving the same issues you have. We have extensive practical experience and, importantly, the ability to apply it in a way that is tailored to each situation.

  • Our lawyers specialize in migration, tax, property, labor, inheritance law, intellectual property law and dispute resolution. We constantly update our knowledge through trainings and advanced training within the legal community. We will find a well-reasoned answer to every question.

  • All specialists of the company speak Georgian, English and Russian languages, which ensures full understanding with the client.

  • We work in different formats: face-to-face and online

  • And we also have a nice atmosphere in our office, delicious coffee and cookies with wishes )) And there is also a children's corner.

Types and costs of counselling

Comprehensive oral consultation (multiple questions)


Substantive oral counseling (one question at a time)

$100 $60

Oral consultation + written opinion


Written consultation


Counselling specialists

    Examples of successful counselling

    Case 1
    Advice on obtaining Georgian citizenship
    Customer history:
    Giorgi was born in Russia in 2000. His father, a Georgian citizen, left the country long before he was born, and his mother is a Russian citizen. Giorgi has been living in Georgia for five years now, where he has opened his own business and his children attend a Georgian school.
    Giorgi repeatedly tried to find out whether he was entitled to Georgian citizenship on his father’s side and how it could be realized. He consulted various specialists and searched for answers on the Internet, but did not receive clear and precise instructions.
    JustAdvisors solution:
    After consultation in JustAdvisors, the situation for Giorgi became clearer. Our specialists provided comprehensive information about Giorgi’s rights to obtain Georgian citizenship, as well as a step-by-step action plan. Thanks to the professionalism and competence of JustAdvisors consultants, Giorgi now knows exactly what steps he needs to take to obtain citizenship.

    Case 2
    Advice on starting a business in Georgia
    Customer history:
    Sergey has recently arrived in Georgia with the aim of starting his own business. He has several partners, each with their own responsibilities and share in the profits. The business includes production, warehousing of finished products, and their sale both in Georgia and abroad.
    Sergey faced a lot of questions related to starting a business:
    — How do you enter into an agreement with partners?
    — What form of business should I choose?
    — What taxes are incurred when running a business?
    — What is the right way to hire employees and what contracts should I sign?
    JustAdvisors solution:
    Sergey made an appointment for a comprehensive consultation with JustAdvisors via WhatsApp. The time of the meeting was agreed on the next day in the office. JustAdvisors' corporate and tax law specialists answered all his questions and provided comprehensive information on every aspect of doing business in Georgia.
    Thanks to the professionalism and support of JustAdvisors consultants, Sergei had no doubts. He confidently sets about opening a business in Georgia with JA

    Case 3
    Tax advice for non-residents
    Customer history:
    Alex bought several apartments in Georgia. Some of them he rents out, and some of them he plans to sell. At the same time, he lives permanently in Spain and is not a tax resident of Georgia.
    Alex was faced with conflicting information about taxes. He studied the tax code and revenue service manuals on his own, but this did not give him complete clarity. Alex decided to turn to professionals to resolve all the issues.
    JustAdvisors solution:
    Alex contacted JustAdvisors via Telegram and coordinated a meeting via Google Meet. Two days later he met with the company’s tax lawyer and asked all the necessary questions. After the consultation, Alex decided to clarify a few more points related to the avoidance of double taxation between Georgia and Spain.
    As part of the initial consultation, JustAdvisors specialists provided Alex with comprehensive information on all his questions, including questions on double taxation. Now Alex confidently manages his real estate in Georgia, knowing all the tax nuances.


    Answers to frequent questions

    You can book a consultation through the form on the website, by writing to us via social media: or on watsapp, or TG, or by phone.
    Just write to us by filling out the form (click the "Contact us" button) or in a convenient messenger: WhatsApp, Telegram
    Do you have a task or a question?
    Leading Manager of Commercial Department